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  • Writer's pictureKarissa Blevins

As the Summer starts to come to a close we decided to spend a little extra time at our spot.

Ya know this past week has called for quite a bit of reflection and appreciation. ❤

The mood of these trips has shifted.

I don't spend 4.5 hours in tears, praying for God's strength and comfort.

I don't get lost in my overwhelming thoughts of the how's and what if's.

I no longer feel victimized to this new way of life. 🎯

The tides of my waves are turning I'm becoming the shifter. 🌊

Gaining a tighter grip on the intentions I have set for the things I want for our lives.

Emotionally ❤ Spiritually ✝️ Psychologically 💫 Socially 👩‍👧‍👧

Total wellness in the areas that influence our quality of being, living, perceiving.

Stepping through loss, depression, anxiety, motherhood, and complete household pressures.

Finding gratitude and purpose.

Don't get it twisted there is still a hole in my heart.

Still pieces of me yet to be put back together.

Friend believe me when I tell you it is an EVERY DAY, HOUR BY HOUR, MINUTE BY MINUTE


To take this life and shift the tide 🌊

If this is the breakthrough you've been waiting for LISTEN‼‼‼


Join me for the next 4 weeks for my class Navigating Grief: The Cornerstones of Healing After Loss.

❤ Learn How to work through the denial and heartache of losing a loved one, without losing yourself ❤

🏃‍♀️Practice the healthiest way to process your anger, through the stages of grief.🏃‍♀️

🧘‍♀️Discover how to navigate the waves of grief and embrace every season of healing. 🧘‍♀️

💫Develop habits help you maintain a healthy state of mind. 💫

🌦 Understand the power of taking grief one day at a time ⏳ so that you can flourish and thrive in life post-trauma.

Make sure you're registered so you get the up to date info for class.…/navigating-grief-we…

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